Pałac Margot, Karpacz
Tło bannera

Palace Unique hotel in heart of mountains

22 sty 25
23 sty 25
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Explore Palace

The Margot Palace is situated in the beautiful park, in the quiet district of Karpacz, 800 metres from the centre of the town. We have made an effort to let this restored building facinate you with the unique atmosphere and enchant you with the beauty of its architecture.

Explore Palace
Explore Palace
Explore Palace


The founder of the orphanage for girls in Karpacz was Princess Charlotte of Prussia sister of Emperor Wilhelm II, later the Duchess of Saxe - Meningen mother Feodory von Reuss from Kowary . Imposing building built of sandstone , brick and half-timbered houses was known as Charlottencheim from the name of its founder . The building housed an orphanage for women with young children.

Years passed
Years passed

Years passed

After World War II the building housed the House of Mother and Child run by nuns , and holiday house Workers' Holiday Fund " Baska ".

Opening of Palace
Opening of Palace

Opening of Palace

In 2009 we open Palace Margot



In 2016 we have finished the expansion.

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